
Water | Contaminated water | Water pollution | Drinking water

A   physical, biological, radiological or chemical matter or substance in water forms a water  contaminant . A minimum tiny amount of contaminants may fairly be expected in  Drinking water.  The presence of contaminants does not primarily indicate that the water poses a health risk although consumed above certain levels in  drinking water  are harmful. Precisely water having disease-causing organisms or substances ultimately inflicting health issues is  contaminated water .  Water pollution  is the contamination of water bodies through agriculture runoff-carrying fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides and pesticides along with other pollutants. Cities biodegradable and Industrial waste discharge are prominent sources of water pollution embrace contaminants that enter the installation system from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rain  are the  most typical  anthropogenic causes  ...

Water is a lifeline | Contaminated water | Pure Drinking water and Health

Water is a lifeline for every Species in this world. Habitually we all are concerned about our health and wellbeing thus we all tend and invariably try to drink pure water but ignorance is not an excuse. One ought to know the difference between pure water and contaminated water , One of the most essential components of life on this earth is water.  Does one recognize the fact that in every 2 minutes a toddler dies from diseases caused by lack of clean water? It’s calculable that  829000  individuals die annually from the looseness of bowels as a result of unsafe drinking-water, sanitation, and hand hygiene. However, diarrhoea is largely preventable, if these risk factors are addressed sincerely the deaths of 297000 youngsters aged underneath children  5 years can be avoided each year. Water is a lifeline  Where water isn’t pronto accessible, individuals might decide handwashing isn’t a priority, thereby adding to the probability of looseness...