Water is a lifeline | Contaminated water | Pure Drinking water and Health

Water is a lifeline for every Species in this world. Habitually we all are concerned about our health and wellbeing thus we all tend and invariably try to drink pure water but ignorance is not an excuse. One ought to know the difference between pure water and contaminated water, One of the most essential components of life on this earth is water.  Does one recognize the fact that in every 2 minutes a toddler dies from diseases caused by lack of clean water? It’s calculable that  829000  individuals die annually from the looseness of bowels as a result of unsafe drinking-water, sanitation, and hand hygiene. However, diarrhoea is largely preventable, if these risk factors are addressed sincerely the deaths of 297000 youngsters aged underneath children  5 years can be avoided each year.
Water is a lifeline
Water is a lifeline

 Where water isn’t pronto accessible, individuals might decide handwashing isn’t a priority, thereby adding to the probability of looseness of bowels. Drinking contaminated water might cause Asiatic cholera, schistosomiasis and plenty of different diseases.
Strange but truly Shocking. The World Health Organization is regularly warning the countries for deterioration of drinking water standards. However, we all assume it’s the sole responsibility of a few organizations or Governments to procure pure water but are these institutions capable of tackling this critical situation alone.  NO, The time has come we all have to participate together contributing our bit to save our planet as the situation today is alarming and the issue is directly related to our health and life and future is predicted to be darker. We can’t play a blame game and relax anymore, it’s ultimately a question of our survival.
Pure water crises
Pure water crisis

The World  Bank report warns the ‘Invisible’ crisis of water quality and threatens human and environmental well. We all are contributing in one way or another for creating such a critical scenario not only for us but also for future generations. Analyzing how we are stepping towards the desert era creating a polluted world and understanding the consequences of drinking contaminated water. We should retain some vital information on water, to overcome these challenges. 
If we look into our olden civilizations, our ancestors were intellectually aware of these facts.  All major habitats cities, towns, historic cultures developed around major rivers, seas, and oceans. Civilizations were supposed to have arisen independently of each other approximately 6,000 to 3,500 years ago –  Indus Valley (Harappa), Mesopotamia, Egypt,  China, and Mesoamerica, Andes. All these civilizations conserved water in a scientific manner. They knew the  importance of  water and  why water is a lifeline 

The main component of Earth’s hydrosphere and the fluids of most living organisms is water, a colourless chemical substance, which is tasteless and transparent in nature, Besides no organic nutrients or calories, it is integral for all known forms of life. At room temperature, odourless and tasteless liquid it has the important character to dissolve in many other substances. A substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid-state properties of waterWater found in nature contains other things dissolved of polynuclear hydrides (e.g. HO-O-O-OH), as well as derivatives of water (e.g. O=N-O-N=O), are formally derived from 'oxidane'.Therefore each water molecule is made of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen thus there are two 'H' atoms and one “O“Water which is nearly colourless apart from an in a congenital hint of blue. It is the most bountiful substance on Earth and the only common substance to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas on Earth's surface. It is also believed to be the third most abundant in it, such as salt, minerals,  carbon dioxide,  oxygen, chlorine, etc.   Bearing a Molar Mass 18.01528 (33) g/mol, Boiling point 100 °C,  Melting point: 0 °C, Density: 997 kg/m³ and Oxidane. The reason why 'oxidane' is needed is that the names molecule in the universe. A Pure compound with the formula H2O, Every molecule of pure water is the same, therefore it is not a mixture.  Unlike other akin hydrides of the oxygen family, water is primarily a liquid under standard conditions due to hydrogen bonding, the molecules of water are constantly moving in relation to each other, and the hydrogen bonds are continually breaking and reforming at timescales faster than 200 femtoseconds. However, these bonds are strong enough to create many of the peculiar life.
Interestingly within the Earth's atmosphere and surface, the liquid phase is the most common and the form that is generally denoted by the word "water". The amalgamated crystals such as ice or ice cubes are solid phase of water,  or loosely accumulated granular crystals, like snow. The steam or water vapour is the gaseous phase of water and the visible steam and clouds are formed from minute droplets of water suspended in the air. 
Pure water is an excellent  INSULATOR when it contains no exogenous IONS, but not even DEIONIZED  water is completely free of ions. Water is such a good solvent and undergoes auto-ionization in the liquid state when two water molecules form one hydroxide anion, it almost always has some solute dissolved in it, often a salt. The ions can carry charges back and forth, allowing the water to conduct electricity far more readily, if water has even a tiny amount of such an impurity, However, pure water does not consist of such free electrons which would allow the flow of charges. Water from rivers, the ocean, well, hand pump or faucet. etc.,  is a form of natural water there are other chemical compounds mixed into it, for example, calcium carbonate or other salt and several elements like chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, sometimes cellular life and so on... In a sense, this version of water plus something else is considered as a mixture. Therefore water from some of these sources may undrinkable at times because it’s actually a toxic mixture or contains pathogens like E-coli.  Though Distilled water is close to pure, still it may contain very small amounts of dissolved substances. “Water” is one molecule known as H2O.  Thus a pure  H2O is  Distilled Water and when purified in laboratories costs more.
Scarcity of water
Scarcity of water will lead us to doors disaster

Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether or not it is used for drinking, domestic use, food production or recreational purposes. Improved installations and sanitation, and scientific management of water resources can boost countries’ economic growth and can contribute greatly to poverty reduction. Another attention-grabbing reality is that we tend to use paper for a multifunctional purpose, let us put a green cost to this in terms of trees and water considering an average tree chopped to give us approx. 8,350 sheets of  virgin  paper and it needs  at least  10 liters of water to supply one piece of  paper, therefore, we ought to imagine the proportion of water to grow one tree and the ways several  trees are being chopped every day to fulfill our demand  for paper and the way abundant of water was consumed to nourish these trees. Thus inadvertently we tend to all square measure, balancing nature by our actions, we all are equally responsible for climate change for which we casually blame others on various forms including social media. We all have to be vigilant and use technology to replace paper as a small step of all folks will save trees from shedding, our combined effort will create plenty of difference and all we need is to wake up together.  The scarcity of water will soon lead us to the doors of warfare for water and end the life on this gorgeous  Earth.  Water the ultimate gift of GOD  ought to be consumed painstakingly for times to return.


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